#Python swagbucks bot how to#
In this article, you'll learn how to make your own Twitter bot in Python using Tweepy, a Python library for accessing the official Twitter API.
#Python swagbucks bot code#
Source code of this application is available in this GitHub repository Introduction The reply will be in the form of an image with a quote written on it. The bot will reply to every tweet in which it got mentioned with a specific keyword.

TL DR: This blog post is aimed to demonstrate how to make a custom Twitter bot in Python using the official Twitter API. add_argument ( '-p', '-port', type = int, default = 8000, help = 'port' ) options = arg_parser. INFO ) arg_parser = ArgumentParser ( usage = 'Usage: python ' + _file_ + ' ' ) arg_parser. basicConfig ( format = ' %(levelname)s : %(message)s ', level = logging. sleep ( 3600 ) # sleep forever if _name_ = "_main_" : logging. setup () site = TCPSite ( runner = runner, port = port ) await site.

ClientSession () async_http_client = AiohttpAsyncHttpClient ( session ) line_bot_api = AsyncLineBotApi ( channel_access_token, async_http_client ) parser = WebhookParser ( channel_secret ) handler = Handler ( line_bot_api, parser ) app = web. Response ( text = "OK \n " ) async def main ( port = 8000 ): session = aiohttp. reply_token, TextSendMessage ( text = event. message, TextMessage ): continue await self. Response ( status = 400, text = 'Invalid signature' ) for event in events : if not isinstance ( event, MessageEvent ): continue if not isinstance ( event. parse ( body, signature ) except InvalidSignatureError : return web. parser = parser async def echo ( self, request ): signature = request. exit ( 1 ) class Handler : def _init_ ( self, line_bot_api, parser ): self. exit ( 1 ) if channel_access_token is None : print ( 'Specify LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN as environment variable.' ) sys. getenv ( 'LINE_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN', None ) if channel_secret is None : print ( 'Specify LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET as environment variable.' ) sys. getenv ( 'LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET', None ) channel_access_token = os. (API may change without notice in a future version) import os import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser import asyncio import aiohttp from aiohttp import web import logging from aiohttp.web_runner import TCPSite from linebot import ( AsyncLineBotApi, WebhookParser ) from linebot.aiohttp_async_http_client import AiohttpAsyncHttpClient from linebot.exceptions import ( InvalidSignatureError ) from linebot.models import ( MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage, ) # get channel_secret and channel_access_token from your environment variable channel_secret = os. The LINE Messaging API SDK for Python includes experimental asyncio support. add ( MessageEvent, message = TextMessage ) def handle_message ( event ): line_bot_api. Please check your channel access token/channel secret." ) abort ( 400 ) return 'OK'. handle ( body, signature ) except InvalidSignatureError : print ( "Invalid signature. info ( "Request body: " + body ) # handle webhook body try : handler. headers # get request body as text body = request. route ( "/callback", methods = ) def callback (): # get X-Line-Signature header value signature = request. Usage: from flask import Flask, request, abort from linebot import ( LineBotApi, WebhookHandler ) from linebot.exceptions import ( InvalidSignatureError ) from linebot.models import ( MessageEvent, TextMessage, TextSendMessage, ) app = Flask ( _name_ ) line_bot_api = LineBotApi ( 'YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN' ) handler = WebhookHandler ( 'YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET' ).